Wednesday, November 23, 2011

10 Things I Am Thankful For

Ute Lake, NM.  Killer strike, the smallie
watched the Repo Man fly through the
air and hit it as it landed 6 inches from
the bank!

A fisherman’s list of reasons to be thankful this year.
10. I am thankful for the sudden strike.  The one that, when the catch is done and the big one is released, leaves me trembling and wanting more.  And that, even after all these years, I still feel this way each and every time it happens.
9. I am thankful for the beautiful blue-bird days, even when an overcast sky would help me, and for the overcast days, especially during the hot season.
8. I am thankful for each and every opportunity that I am privileged to be afforded to pursue little green fish, or brown fish, or silver, or rainbow.
7. I am thankful that we live where natural resources are largely open for public use and for those who safeguard our rights to access them, against those who would snatch as much as they could for private uses.
6. I am thankful to live where I can work toward my own goals, no matter how seemingly meaningless and unfruitful others believe them to be.
5. I am thankful for a family that doesn’t judge too harshly, especially when I am following a dream, and who remain as always the support that keeps me going.
4. I am thankful for my Rocky Mountain Team Series partner Herb, who is always positive and eager for each event, and even if I start to doubt a strategy, is always ready with an idea or new strategy to try, often with great success.
3. I am thankful for friends who nod patiently when I rant, laugh with me when I joke, and always seem available in times when I need them most.
2. I am thankful for a wife who understands what it means to follow a dream, even if that dream is sometimes hard to understand.
1. I am thankful for the men and women who sacrifice their time, family, and too often life and limb to protect America from her enemies near and far, including the Armed Services, Police, Fire, Ambulance, and those behind the scenes that enable these real public heroes to do their jobs.

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